
Resources & information about

Hi,  My name is John Adams and I'm in the process of learning about, hoping one day to apply for a position as an Administrator. As it turns out there is a lot of information available to help one learn about Salesforce but, unfortunately, there really is way too much information and the fire-hose approach to consuming all that content would simply take too long. I'm still digging through the pile in an effort to put together a comprehensive study guide that will help me focus on the things I need to know first. In the meantime the list of links below should prove helpful if you're looking for Salesforce training resources.

If you're stuck on a lesson in the Udacity course "Intro to Salesforce App Development" check out the tips list (on the right) and if you don't find what you're looking for there try the search box (also on the right). I've compiled a large list of solutions that might help get you moving again! 

Sam at (Sam delivered the Udacity training) wrote a great blog that lists getting started material for a range of topics on the platform. You can find it here:

Also, David Liu from the Udacity video has another great blog geared towards teaching anyone (of both technical and non technical backgrounds) how to code on the Salesforce1 Platform. His blog is here:

Here are a few more resources and suggestions from others that I have discovered.

There is a ton of stuff right here on the help site. (check out the training section in the lower left part of the screen)

Intro to Building Mobile Apps with Salesforce1 - video plus lots of other resources
For even more opportunities to learn:
  • Search Linkedin for groups related to
  • Join a local user group
  • Check 
  • Start a user group if you can't find one.

Finally, I searched a long time for a comprehensive directory of training videos on YouTube and, coming up short, I finally decided to create my own. This isn't a complete list, there are tons more of them available online, but I decided to take a break from the list-building process and start posting them online in hopes that this effort will benefit others too. You can find my list here: Salesforce on YouTube.

If someone out there knows of a comprehensive directory that has already been created I would love to know about it. If you want to suggest links to be included in the list feel free to send them to me and I will get them added! 

 Thanks in advance and I hope you enjoy this resource!

Custom Force Salesforce Blog

Salesforce Ideas, Tips 'n Tricks

Power Of Us - Salesforce Non-Profit Support Program - great Salesforce Q&A Site

Rakesh Gupta's Blog - Good Admin/Dev Info

CloudCatamaran - Useful Salesforce Tips & Tricks

Social Coding4Good - Volunteer + Learning Opportunity How-To Questions (& Answers)

Certified On Demand - Great Study Guide 

RUNE2E - Salesforce Consulting (and jobs!)

Salesforce Getting Started training series

Form Assembly - Design Web Forms and Collect Data

IDEALWARE: Helping Nonprofits Make Smart Software Decisions

The Landscape of Salesforce for Nonprofits: A Report on the Current Marketplace for Apps

Salesforce Volunteer Projects

How to choose a Salesforce consulting partner

Non-Profit Pro-Bono Work Opportunities

Flexible & Telecommuting salesforce Jobs

Build your own infographics resume using Salesforce reports and dashboard

5 tips to landing a Admin job Salesforce Consulting & Professional Services

What’s a Good Salesforce Administrator Worth?

Salesforce jobs on Indeed.Com

Salesforce jobs on Linkedin

Salesforce jobs on freelancer

Bluewolf Consulting

Button Click Admin Blog

DreamForce 2013 YouTube

More Training Links (My Other Blog)

Salesforce Help Portal



(Free!) Tools for Salesforce Data Geeks