I'm unable to add an email address to my maintenance ticket, and I'm unsure why that is. I've been following the class very well, and I don't know where I've gone wrong. Any suggestions?
You don't need an email field for your maintenance ticket object. The email address will be determined by which technician that the ticket is assigned to.
I'm sorry, that's what I meant to say is that there isn't a technician box located within the maintenance ticket window above, and I'm not sure how to add one. And in my maintenance ticket object, I do have a technician field located under all the other fields that are located within the above picture. But for some reason technician isn't there.
OK - you'll need to modify your Maintenance Ticket screen layout to add a new field for the technician. It will be a Lookup field that links to the User object. We are using the User object because we assume Technicians will be Users of the App.
Open an existing Maintenance ticket record so you are viewing (not editing) the contents on screen and look for the "Edit Layout" link in the menu (it's pretty small text in the upper right part of the screen)
Once you have the edit layout screen open you can drag fields from the top menu area and position them down below on the screen next to your other data fields.