I have deleted set time field from band object accidentally , instead of stage object . What can I do to recover it back ?
1) Click on the Band Tab
2) Open the Quick Menu on the right.
3) Click on View Fields
4) If you haven't deleted the missing field from your Recycle Bin then you should see "Deleted Fields(1)" below the Custom Field & Relationships list. (see screen shot below)
5) Click on the Deleted Fields(1) link.
6) A new screen will appear.
7) Any deleted fields that are still in your Recycle Bin can be restored from here.
8) I believe Salesforce keeps deleted items for 15 days, as long as you don't empty the Recycle Bin sooner.
9) Also - I've noticed that the Deleted Fields(1) link doesn't appear immediately after deleting a field, which makes this process a little confusing the first time you do it!